Setting Resolutions

With the end of each year comes my annual predictable, somewhat nostalgic and reflective blog post. Each New Year brings with it the promise of change; the hopes for something bigger and better, and of course happiness. A lot of us will set New Year's Resolutions to guide us along the way, while others simply won't, knowing that these often only last for a few weeks.

Despite the notion that resolutions are difficult to follow, I'd like to think that I've held mine close to my heart this year, and that I am somewhat more balanced and happier now than I was the year before. Having goals throughout the year humbled during my highest highs, and helped me brave the lowest lows too.

When you're still in college, sticking to resolutions can be relatively easy. For me, each week has been somewhat similar this year. For the first half of the year I worked as a PR Assistant, with a mostly 9:00am - 5:30pm job, during the Summer I worked the same Summer jobs as I always do, and now I'm back in college, with a similar study routine to my first two years here in UCC. A lot of my year has been predictable, which has meant that setting and sticking to goals wasn't a huge challenge.

2020, however, will be one full of change. I will (hopefully) be graduating from UCC, taking a step  into the real working world. It seems daunting to imagine that I'll be starting out from scratch again; living somewhere new, with a new job (all going well).  I've got a lot to figure out in the New Year, so my resolutions won't be quite as extensive as they have been in the past. Instead, I've opted for a short but sweet goal; to be the healthiest and happiest version of myself.

Chat soon,

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