How to reduce your fast fashion footprint

It can be difficult at the best of times to avoid fast fashion. Sustainable and trendy pieces are generally expensive, so unless you’ve recently won the lotto, a trip into Brown Thomas to pick up a few new bits is probably next to impossible. That said, there are a few things you can do to reduce your footprint while you wait for those winning numbers.

1. Thrift it
Although shopping in a charity shop can be a stressful ordeal for the unseasoned thrift shopper, rehoming clothes is a great way to reduce your fashion footprint. If you're looking for something new, pop into a charity shop before checking your favourite fashion retailers. If you're throwing something away, make sure to drop it into a shop or clothes bank.

2. Swapsies
"I've got nothing to wear" is simply not a good excuse to go shopping. If you don't think you have anything suitable to wear, raid your friends/families wardrobes, and borrow or swap something of yours for theirs.

3. Saving
Sustainable fashion can be pricey, especially if you're trying to stay on trend. Instead of splurging on items that you know won't last, save up for ones that will.

4. Repurpose
If you're feeling creative, and have a sewing machine, needles and thread or even some dye on hand, try experimenting with your old clothes. Tie dye your t-shirts, crop an old top, rip your jeans. Instead of making a purchase, try to make do with what you've got.

5. Care for your clothes
Always read the label before washing and drying your clothes. Some items will need to be washed at certain temperatures, some can’t be put in a drier and some might even need to be hand washed. It goes without saying that you should never mix light and dark coloured washes. Pop your denims in with your black coloured clothing, and if you have to mix the rest, be sure to use a colour catchers sheet.

Until next time, 

This article was originally published in the 2018/2019 University Express, Issue 6, on 12/03/2019

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