
"The hardest time in your life is when you're transitioning from one version of yourself to another"

"Finding yourself" is perhaps the most relevant conversational topic of the twenty-first century. Call it cheesy, or even downright ridiculous, but nonetheless, it seems to have peaked as a key issue within our society of late. Confidence and self-love seem to be a gift that very few receive, while most people are plainly just lost in a sea of "normality". But what is normal? Who determines what normal should look and feel like? As I venture into adulthood, it seems to me that "normal" is a phenomenon that must be left behind in order to grow.

T-Shirt & Trousers, Zara // Shoes, Anya Hindmarch

I feel as though we all get a little bit too caught up with trying to follow the status quo at the best of times. From an early age we are told to wear a uniform, so that everyone looks the same, and to follow a set of rules that ensure that everyone is painted as one. With hundreds of schools across the country standing by the motto "There is Strength in Unity," it makes me question why no one ever speaks of the strength associated with individuality. 

I think that as individuals we find ultimate power in self-expression. Being unapologetically you. Life is too short to be a follower, and sometimes it's important to dictate the outcome yourself. That's something that I feel like I've really been trying my best to do ever since I finished school. We are taught how to be the same, but as you grow older you have to teach yourself how to be different, and how to be you

Over the course of the last six months I feel like I've really finally taught myself how to be me; wearing what I want, doing what makes me happy, and generally not being too pushed to follow the status quo. While a Summer of working two jobs, and meeting so many new people has ultimately forced everything to fall into place for me, there are of course a few things you can do to make the transition a little easier for you too 

1. Trust yourself
2. Step outside your comfort zone
3. Surround yourself with people that care
4. Be a listener
5. Believe in yourself
6. Find your happy place
7. Enjoy spending time alone as well as with others

Take what you wish from my list, but remember always; "When a flower doesn't bloom you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower"

T-Shirt & Trousers, Zara // Shoes, Anya Hindmarch (as above in tan/brown)

Stay beautiful,

*Photo Credits, Eoin Coleman


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